The book The NARNIA Project: Integrating approaches to ancient material studies introduces the research work conducted in the four-year lifespan of the European Marie Curie Actions Initial Training Network (FP7 – PEOPLE – Marie Curie Actions – ITN – Project no. 265010) New Archaeological Research Network for Integrating Approaches to ancient material studies, with the acronym NARNIA. This is currently the largest project to receive funding from the European Commission in the fields of archaeology and archaeological sciences, with a budget over 4.5 million Euros and 20 recruited research fellows.
Το βιβλίο παρουσιάζει την έρευνα που έγινε κατά την διάρκεια και στα πλαίσια του ερευνητικού προγράμματος New Archaeological Research Network for Integrating Approaches to ancient material studies (Marie Curie Actions Initial Training Network), με το ακρονύμιο NARNIA.
Edited by: Vasiliki Kassianidou & Maria Dikomitou-Eliadou
The book contains the following articles:
The NARNIA Project: Integrating approaches to ancient material studies
Vasiliki Kassianidou and Maria Dikomitou-Eliadou
WORK PACKAGE 2: The study of ceramic artefacts from the eastern Mediterranean
Peter M. Day
The Final Neolithic – Early Minoan transition in Phaistos, Crete: Continuity and change in pottery manufacture
Roberta Mentesana
Indirect evidence for pottery production on the island of Aegina during the transitional LH IIIB-LH IIIC Early Period
William Gilstrap
Geochemical proxies for provenancing Cypriot pottery classes from Early to Late Bronze Age contexts
Christina Makarona
A technical approach to Attic-pottery production during the historic period: Raw materials and the black glaze
Artemi Chaviara
Mechanical and thermal behaviour of functional ceramics: The influence of firing and temper on the impact resistance of archaeological ceramics
Noémi S. Müller
WORK PACKAGE 3: Glass production and trade in the Eastern Mediterranean
Karin Nys
Shedding light on the glass industry of ancient Cyprus: Archaeological questions, methodology and preliminary results
Andrea Ceglia
Networks of distribution at the margins of the empire: Late Antique glass vessels from the Lower Danube region
Anastasia Cholakova
WORK PACKAGE 4: Copper metallurgy in the eastern Mediterranean
Vasiliki Kassianidou
The production and trade of Cypriot copper in the Late Bronze Age
Lente Van Brempt
Unravelling technological issues of metallurgical ceramics from Cyprus: The case of Kition
Demetrios Ioannides
pXRF analysis of Cypriot copper alloy artefacts dating to the Late Bronze and the Iron Age
Andreas Charalambous
Into the crucible. Methodological approaches to reconstructing ancient crucible metallurgy, from New Kingdom Egypt to Late Roman Bulgaria
Frederik Rademakers
Copper alloy production and consumption in the Tuscia region during the Middle Ages
Mainardo Gaudenzi Asinelli
WORK PACKAGE 5: The study and conservation of architectural decoration from the Eastern Mediterranean. Issues of material properties and cultural heritage
Anne-Marie Guimier-Sorbets
The techniques and materials of Hellenistic mosaics with a special focus on the vitreous materials of the mosaics from Delos (Greece)
Francesca Licenziati
Techniques and materials used in wall paintings from the Classical to the Roman period in the eastern Mediterranean
Lydia Avlonitou
Artificial materials used in the production of Cypriot wall mosaics
Olivier Bonnerot
The state of conservation of the architectural structures and mortar characterisation at the castle of Azraq, Jordan
Marta Tenconi
Application and development of computational intelligence methods in the analysis of archaeological data
Elisavet Charalambous
WORK PACKAGE 6: Dating Techniques and the Palaeoenvironment
Yannis Bassiakos
Luminescence dating and the palaeo-environment in SW Peloponnesus
John Christodoulakis
Luminescence dating and the palaeo-environment in SE Cyprus
Evangelos Tsakalos
WORK PACKAGE 7: HHpXRF Application in Archaeology
Roger Doonan
Keeping up with the excavations: Rapid obsidian sourcing in the field with portable XRF
Ellery Frahm
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The NARNIA Project: Integrating approaches to ancient material studies
Στοιχεία έκδοσης
Publisher/Εκδότης Archaeological Research Unit, University of Cyprus
Form/Μορφή Paperback/Χαρτόδετο | 272 pages/σελίδες
Dimentions/Διαστάσεις 170 x 240 x 12 mm
Publ. Year/Ημερ. Έκδοσης 2014
Language/Γλώσσα English/Αγγλική
ISBN 978-9963-700-86-8 (print) & 978-9963-700-87-5 (e-book)